Learn to Teach JAVA (for credit) | UC San Diego Online
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Learn to Teach JAVA (for credit)

Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

This course is designed for those who want to support secondary students' learning of Java -- with a focus on Advanced Placement Computer Science A. Using the freely available CS Awesome online, interactive textbook, learn Java with the same resource you can use to teach it.

While this course teaches Java, it does so knowing you intend to use your Java knowledge to teach. Each concept is introduced through connections to block-based languages and each CS Awesome textbook page is previewed to point out key points, gotchas, and to suggest supplementary material for use in your classroom. In our Teacher Powerup sections, you will explore materials to guide students in classroom discussions in analyzing code, learn about various assessment options, and get extra supports in how to develop student problem solving skills. Along the way you will explore other free curricular resources (e.g. Codingbat) and create resources you can use in your classroom.

Course cost: $850 This course confers 4 graduate quarter units of credit. These credits can be use to apply to the California Supplementary Authorization in Computer Science.

Looking for the training, but don't need the credit? Take this course instead.


This course expects that you have experience with and/or experience teaching block-based programming. General (not CS-specific) teaching experinece is helpful.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Dr. Beth Simon

Dr. Simon has 20+ years experience teaching and improving student outcomes through best practices in introductory programming. She has been involved in K-12 efforts in CS for over 10 years serving as an inaugural piloter of the APCS Principles course, leading the development of California's CS Standards, and offering courses for in-service and pre-service teachers seeking to teach computing in K-12.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this course help me fulfill the California CTC Supplementary Authorization to teach Computer Science?

Yes, this course covers requried content for both the introdcutory and the subject-specific supplementary authorizations. For a course-by-course listing of coverage of CTC requirements, see here. Note: the CTC does not authorize specific programs for fullfilling supplementary authorizations. Instead you must complete coursework and submit documentation for their review.

Why is the class so long? What if I want to complete it sooner?

This course is offered with flexibility for busy teachers in mind. You can complete the course on your own pace, you just need to complete before the "Classes End" date. When you finish your grade will be submitted and you will recieve your transcript within 1 month. The course contains ~100 hours of learning materials and activities which you can complete as fast or slowly as you want. We also want you to have access to the course WHILE you are teaching, which is why you have access until summer.

What session should I sign up for?

You have until the session end date to complete each course - the session end date is June 29, the year after the course started. In general, select the session that has already started, unless you know you won't complete by June of next year, then select an upcoming session.

Can I pay by purchase order?

Yes! Please follow the instructions here to start the process.

Who will help me if I get stuck in the course?

The course is continuously monitored by the professor and designated staff. You are encouraged to ask questions on the course discussion forum and we (and possibly others in the class) will get back to you.

However, this course is designed for you to learn with materials you can turn around and use with your students. We hope you will find the course materials and activities interesting and enjoyable, not dry and onerous.

Can I get more detail on what EXACTLY, I will learn and do in this course?

Yes, as this course was designed specifically with teachers in mind, it differs a bit from courses for computing majors. Check out details about this course here (be sure to scroll to the relvant course).

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

  5. Course Length

    55 weeks